Sunday, February 20, 2011

My heart s haunted by d love of a nightmare,
wicked words made me follow d path she ran ,
darkest clouds,dense forest, misty sky,
eyeballs rolling,throats burning,
followed her a way long,
hearing d voice of d song she sung, 
vampire of love,sucking d blood right from d nerve of my neck,
trying to escape ran around ,blood oozing everywhere i go,
following d blood spots ,it chased me hard,
love s like a game of chess, 
wer always d king's  lyf ll b always plunged at d end of every game,
love s such an evil,
makes u become a devil,
is der any clue to end dis wicked game,
as d beggining and end of d loop s always d same,
u'll b left all alone,lyf becums so insane,
you put a shield upon me,as ur's s d oly face which i should see,
forget to remove it once you left me,not allowing me to see anything rather dan you ,
is ur heart made of stone, as my raindrops of love never ever melt dem,
in my life ur love a d oly mistake, d poisined tablet dat i took,my soul hanging on a hook,
show me d way  to wash my heart clean n neat,
to remove  d stains which u made me forfeit,
haunted love,taking my life away ,
a feel between wicked minds,a desert full of poisoned winds,
don't becum d host ,as ur life ll be lost.................

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